Honors Degree (Laurea Honoris Causa) for Mr.Piero Ferrari

Naples, September 29th 2004 - The University of Naples Federico II has conferred the Honors Degree (Laurea Honoris Causa) in Aerospace Engineering to Mr. Piero Ferrari, President of Piaggio Aero and Vice President of Ferrari, for “having contributed in a substantial manner to the development of the Italian Aeronautic Industry”.
The cerimony at the Historic Great Hall of the University started with a speech of Rector Guido Trombetti and Mr. Vincenzo Naso (President of the Faculty of Engineering at the University Federico II of Naples), at which followed the Laudatio Accademica of Piero Ferrari, by Mr. Giovanni Maria Carlomagno (Tutor at the Faculty of Engineering at the University Federico II of Naples), and Mr. Piero Ferrari’s Lectio Magistralis. Finally, the ceremony ended with the Conferring of the Degree.
The acknowledgement given to Mr. Ferrari has been an important event in confirming the close cooperation between the Faculty of Engineering at the Federico II and Piaggio Aero.
“The Honors Degree conferred to Mr. Piero Ferrari is the acknowledgement, given to an international level Manager, of the revitalization made towards the technological development, especially in the Aeonautic field. Mr. Ferrari has wanted and has known how to promote technological innovation thanks to the experience and the tradition which come from having grown up in the midst of motors and vehicles of the family company.” With these words, Rector Giulio Trombetti commented on the significance of the ceremony.
“The conferring of the academic title,” adds Mr. Vincenzo Naso, President of the Faculty of Engineering “proves the role that Mr.Piero Ferrari has acquired in the fields regarding engineering subjects of relevant interest for the Italian economy and in particular those cultivated in the Faculty of Engineering at the Federico II of Naples.”
For Mr. Ferrari, “The acknowledgement given by the Federico II is a great honor which I want to share with all those who have lived and are still living with me the Piaggio Aero adventure, a grand Italian trademark.”