Piaggio Aero attended together with ENAV the ATC Global 2009

Piaggio Aero S.p.A. attended together with ENAV the ATC Global, the most important European event on the air traffic control sector.
The event, held at the Amsterdam Rai from 17th to 19th March 2009, has been a meeting opportunity with the foremost international providers of ATM (Air Traffic Management) services.
The ENAV stand - which attended the ATC Global for the sixth time - featured multimedia areas presenting the company's core business activities. Particular emphasis has been given to the Flight Inspection Service, with the exhibition of a scale model of a P180 aircraft, used by ENAV.
Piaggio Aero was present at ENAV stand showing a 1:10 scale of the P180 Avanti II Aicraft RM. The P.180 Avanti II is the Flight Ispection Unit bought and operated by ENAV to ensure in-flight monitoring of radio assistance for routes and airports (VOR, DME, ILS etc.), in order to validate the accuracy of the indications provided and compliance with international rules.